Shemford Futuristic School, Pinjore, celebrated Mothers’ Day where mothers of the Shemstars had a momentous experience of watching their children performing exclusively for them.  Various activities were conducted, class wise, to make all the mothers of every Shemstar feel special and blessed. The students of the Pre Primary wing stole the show with their innocent expressions in a beautiful dance performance, while the students of the Primary and the Middle School brought tears to the eyes of all through their beautiful songs and dance items expressing their love and gratitude to their mothers. A thought provoking skit was also enacted, watching which, the mothers were overwhelmed with emotions. It was a fun filled day for the mothers as various activities like ramp walk, dance performances and fun games were organized. They all got a platform to exhibit their thoughts, expressions and talents, and of course, relive their childhood. The jubilance of the day increased manifold when certificates for Excellence in Academics of the Star Achievers for the session 2018-2019 and certificates of appreciation were given to the winners of co-curricular activities conducted in the months of April and May were given..

The mother of Shemford, Pinjore, Dr. Mrs. Bimla Arora, Director, Shemford Futuristic School, Pinjore, left the gathering spellbound with her mothering tips. She also congratulated all the mothers on this special occasion. 

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