It was a cherished morn at the Shemford Pinjore , when the Shemstars greeted one another on the onset of the new year, Baisakhi. A lot of gaiety spread in the valley with the echoes of beautiful Punjabi folk songs. The Shemstars of the Primary and Pre Primary wing brought into the premises all the hues of life being clad in bright Punjabi attire. Beautiful dances presented by them left the audience enthralled. Speeches and poems were also delivered to enlighten them about the reason to celebrate this event.
There was another cause of celebration- Dr B R Ambedkar Jayanti. To honour the principal architect of the Constitution of India, speeches were delivered in his honour and a quiz was conducted on the life and works of the great personality. The Principal, Ms Amita Dhaka guided the students to understand their responsibility towards the nation and adhere to the Constitution of India in true spirit. She also conveyed her greetings and a prosperous new year to the Shemstars and their families.