Guru Purab was celebrated at Shemford Pinjore with religious piety to mark the 552nd birth anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Students conducted a special assembly. Speeches, poems and incidents from the life of the great guru were narrated by the Shemstars, highlighting His contribution towards promoting communal harmony, fraternal love, goodness and virtues among the commoners. Naturopathy Day is also celebrated on 18th Nov .The students were made aware of the drugless system of medicine  to prevent diseases by following a healthy and balanced diet and alerting  their life style.


On the auspicious occasion of Rakshabandhan Shemstars celebrated the bond of love and protection   between brothers and sisters for a life time. Using their creativity they made beautiful rakhis and gifts for their siblings with their own hands. They also poured all their love in the heart warming voice messages that they recorded for their brothers and sisters. As Eco warriors Shemstars also, tied rakhis to plants and trees and pledged to protect and save the environment. Little Shemstars  had fun learning with an enticing story telling session about the purpose and traditions of this beautiful festival.  They made an Oreo pudding as their  little endeavour towards “Kuch Meetha Ho Jaye” to add more and more homemade sweetness to the celebrations.



Mother’s Day was celebrated by Shemstars online on the 9th, with a special presentation. As Mother’s day falls on the second Sunday of the month, the Shemstars of Shemford Futuristic School, Pinjore participated in a variety of activities filled with love and gratitude to make their mothers feel special.

Mothers were made to feel like celebrities as they were interviewed by their children to get their views on different aspects of life. Students also sang songs for their mothers and together with their mothers danced to the beats of their favourite songs. Some young artists sketched portraits of their mothers. Students recited self composed poems and delivered speeches in praise of their mothers. The Role Reversal, mimicking each other was the highlight and most enjoyed activity. Shemstars of the Pre Primary wing prepared yummy pastries, fruit salad, snacks and desserts using the fireless technique of cooking. Shemstars made and presented to their mothers, gifts, from a wide range of options like cards, love boxes, photo frames, wind chimes, jewellery boxes, face masks, bouquets of origami flowers. The mothers also participated enthusiastically. They were overwhelmed with joy on their special day.

The Shemstars were also told about the importance of celebrating their mothers who undoubtedly are the most beautiful gift from God to a child. Dr (Mrs) Bimla Arora, Director, Shemford Futuristic School, Pinjore in her address said that the role of a mother is not limited to one ‘M’. Rather she plays the role of a mentor, motivator and magician who is the nucleus of the family, and more so, in these times of the pandemic the responsibility lies manifold on her shoulders.



Shemstars celebrated with pride the National Technology Day online on 11th May, ‘21.

A very informative video explaining the significance of the day and the accomplishments of the country in the field of Science and Technology was shared with the students.

“It is imperative to instill the scientific temperament among the youth”, said the school Head, Mrs. Teenu Jolly. “We must educate the youth about the famous scientist of India, along with their contribution and motivate the children to get inspired”, she added.

A quiz based on National Technology Day was also conducted for all the classes. Students expressed their views on the topic, Technology – A Boom or a Bane. It was indeed a very lively and energetic discussion involving the thoughts and participation of each one present.

The students were very excited to know the scores and standing in the quiz.

विश्व हास्य दिवस पर शेम स्टार्स के ठहाकों से गूंजा माहौल

विश्व हास्य दिवस पर शेम स्टार्स के ठहाकों से गूंजा माहौल

शेम्फोर्ड पिंजौर के शेम स्टार्स  ने विश्व हास्य दिवस के अवसर पर ऑनलाइन हास्य दिवस मनाया।हँसी एक महत्वपूर्ण औषधि है इसी उद्देश्य से अध्यापकों ने विद्यार्थियों के लिए हंसी के फव्वारों का माहौल बनाते हुए हास्य वीडियो,चुटकले,
सांझा किये।शेमस्टार्स ने हास्य कविताएं सुनाईं।प्राइमरी विंग के अध्यापकों ने हास्य किरदारों के मास्क पहन कर बच्चों के साथ हंसी के रंग बिखेरे।  फन गेम्स के साथ-साथ चार्ली चैप्लिन,मिस्टर बीन्स, जसपाल भट्टी,अकबर बीरबल,मुल्ला नसीरुद्दीन के हास्य वीडियो दिखाए गए शेमस्टार्स हंसी से लोटपोट होते दिखे। कोविड काल में बरती जाने वाली सावधानियों पर एनिमेटेड
वीडियो दिखाया गया,जिसमें स्वास्थ्य और सुरक्षा सम्बंधित जानकारियां दी गई।कार्यक्रम का समापन लाफ्टर थेरेपी द्वारा किया गया,जिसमें अध्यापकों और विद्यार्थियों ने जम कर ठहाके लगाए।

International Dance Day Celebrated at Shemford, Pinjore

International Dance Day Celebrated at Shemford, Pinjore

The International Dance Day was celebrated at Shemford Futuristic School, Pinjore. A special assembly was conducted online via zoom session to provide a common platform to the nimble feet.

The importance and relevance of the day was shared with the students. The Shemstars showcased their dancing talents both through live performances and recorded videos.

The students were also guided by their teachers about the precautions that they must take to keep themselves safe during the adverse times. The children prayed for the well being of all the people around the world. ‘We must celebrate life in all its wonderful hues by remaining positive even during testing times like these’ , said the School Head, Mrs Teenu Jolly.




Shemford Futuristic School, Pinjore observed the National Energy Conservation Day on 14th Dec 2020. National Energy Conservation Day focusses on making people aware of climate change and global warming by promoting efforts towards saving energy resources. 

Activities promote learning with fun. Various interesting class activities were organised for the Shemstars. A short film was shown to the students sharing ways and means of how energy can be conserved. This was followed by interactive sessions in which group discussions were organised in which the Shemstars participated actively. They also made posters with slogans and reminder plates to spread awareness among their peers.  Each little step will lead to a great leap in conserving energy. 



शेम्फोर्ड फ्यूचरिस्टिक स्कूल पिंजौर में विशेष प्रार्थना सभा द्वारा ऑनलाइन दीपावली समारोह मनाया गया।कार्यक्रम का शुभारंभ
माँ लक्ष्मी और श्री गणेश जी का आशीर्वाद प्राप्त करते हुए श्री गणेश वंदना से किया गया तत्पश्चात श्लोक उच्चारण,गीत नृत्य प्रस्तुत किये गए।विद्यार्थियों ने घर सजाने की सुंदर वस्तुएं बनाई तथा दीये डेकोरेट किये।विद्यालय की डायरेक्टर डॉ श्रीमती बिमला अरोड़ा जी ने सभी को दीपावली की शुभकामनाएं देते हुए शेम स्टार्स को सन्देश दिया कि इस दिवाली घर पर रह कर ही घर को सजाएं,और सोशल डिस्टेंसिंग को ध्यान में रखते हुए परिजनों के साथ ऑनलाइन रह कर ही खुशियां बांटें।

Halloween & National Unity Day

Halloween & National Unity Day

A special assembly was conducted online to mark the Halloween and National Unity Day at Shemford Futuristic School, Pinjore. The history of Halloween was explained to them . The Shemstars made Spooky characters related to Halloween like ghosts, pumpkins etc. Their creativity was also shared in the assembly. Introduced in the year 2014, the students were also acquainted with the relevance of the National Unity Day that marks the birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel. Such assemblies are important to arouse awareness and enhance the knowledge of students about the important days that are observed all over the world.