At Shemford Futuristic School, Pinjore, Diwali was celebrated with joy and fervor by the Shemstars. A special assembly was conducted which began with lighting of the lamp before Goddess Laxmi and Lord Ganesha. The school hall echoed with the chanting of the mantras and the ambience reflected piousness with the beautiful Diya dance presented by the students. Along with poems, story was also narrated highlighting the relevance of Diwali nationwide. Beautiful dances from different parts of the country like garba and bhangra were also presented by the enthusiastic Shemstars. A skit on the theme, ‘Cleanliness and Eco-Friendly Diwali’ was a major highlight of the program. It conveyed the strong message that one should beautify and decorate the surroundings rather than polluting the environment by bursting crackers.


The Shemstars also participated in various activities and Inter House Competitions like Pot decoration, Diya decoration, toran making and rangoli making. All these activities were planned to enhance their skills to celebrate Diwali in a creative way.

The tiny tots of the Pre Primary Wing celebrated this auspicious festival in their own little way. They came dressed in traditional clothes for the occasion. They were made to sing songs on Deepawali. They were excited to colour diyas and make rangoli with flowers. They were also shown animated movie on Diwali.

Dr. D. R. Arora, Chairman, Shemrock & Shemford Group of Schools, Dr. Mrs. Bimla Arora, Director, Shemford Futuristic School, Pinjore and Mrs Amita Dhaka, Principal, thoroughly enjoyed the Diwali celebrations and applauded the efforts of students and teachers. Speaking on the occasion Dr. Mrs. Bimla Arora said, we should always keep our environment clean and pollution free, so that each day cleanliness becomes a way of life for the Shemstars, and not be restricted only to the festival of Diwali.


Hindi Diwas Celebrated at SHEMFORD, Pinjore

Hindi Diwas was celebrated with great reverence at Shemford Futuristic School, Pinjore. A special assembly was conducted, beginning with lighting of the lamp and chanting of mantras which filled the school hall with piousness. The theme was to pay tribute to all the great writers and poets of Hindi literature and their literary works.  Poems were recited and speeches were delivered to explain the relevance and importance of our National language which is also the basis of our rich culture and heritage. Also, the difference between shalokas, dohas and poetry was explained to the Shemstars. Many shalokas and dohas by the great poets were also recited. A beautiful musical medley was also presented on the beautiful language. A skit, ‘Hindi Ki Anubhuti’ was enacted emphasizing upon the propagation and usage of our National Language-Hindi. Everyone gathered for the assembly applauded the department of hindi, led by Ms. Meenakshi Mohan and Ms. Nimisha Talwar, for the beautifully presented programme.


Principal, Ms Amita Dhaka, encouraged the students to master their national language for even if sky is the limit, to stand erect, our roots should be deeply embedded in our motherland. She also explained that the more languages we learn, the stronger we become in our communication skills.


As a part of the Milan programme initiated by the Haryana School Education Board, students from GPS Mallah and GPS Dhamsu visited Shemford Futuristic School, Pinjore. They were taken around the school. They thoroughly enjoyed witnessing the beautiful, lush green campus. They were shown not only the school ground with the attractive synthetic skating rink, the swimming pool and gymnasium but also the wonderfully equipped Science and Maths labs. The students also interacted with the Shemstars and enjoyed having snacks with them in the mess at the school hostel. Such interactions definitely help in the mutual bonding of the students studying in government and private schools.

Shemstar Angelica Piplani Welcomed with Grandeur

Shemford Futuristic School, Pinjore welcomed Shemstar Angelica Piplani when she returned after clinching the 4th position and a cash prize of One Lakh rupees at India’s Best Dramebaaz, 2018. The incandescent artiste dazzled the stage of the popular TV show ‘India’s Best Dramebaaz’ with her expertise. The versatility of this budding artist has always mesmerized the audience. Angelica has always proved herself in all the fields, both scholastic and co- curricular. Her knack for acting was recognized in her early years when she was given a platform in school programs. It was from here that she alighted her flight to success. This young and aspiring Shemstar has also enacted in short films and documentaries.

It was indeed a proud moment for all her supporters at Shemford, Pinjore when she was among the top 16 contestants in India, after having cleared many rounds of auditions, competing with thousands of other contestants from all over the nation.
Right from her auditions to the last act of the show, ‘Maths ki Mahagyani’ Angelica Piplani, was applauded by the judges to be a fine actor in both grave and comic roles. Throughout the season, she was acknowledged for her talents-acting and mathematics-by all the celebrities, who also tested her mathemagic skills personally.

It was a long awaited moment to welcome our Shemstar with grandeur. Principal Ms. Amita Dhaka remarked that Angelica had proved to all the children in the tricity, that, at Shemford, the skills of the children are chiseled with great care so that they are groomed into all-rounders.

Angelica Piplani was taken by surprise with the warm welcome she received at school. Tears rolled down her eyes when she saw the video prepared on her journey from school stage to India’s Best Dramebaaz at the National level, from receiving prizes at the school level to receiving accolades and honours from different celebrities in the reputed show. Her peers and teachers also prepared poems for she has set an example that success results when you put your heart, mind and soul into your smallest acts, it comes with positive action combined with positive thinking.

Dr. D.R. Arora, Chairman, Shemrock and Shemford Group of Schools, felicitated the young Shemstar for her achievement and added some lighter moments by sharing jokes with the students. Dr. Mrs. Bimla Arora, Director, Shemford Futuristic School, Pinjore, added, that there is no minimum or maximum age to achieve success. If one has love, dedication and passion towards his work, he can prove himself to be a ‘Scintillating Star’ in his field of interest like our very own Shemstar, Angelica Piplani.
All the members of the school, Management, Principal, teachers and students congratulated Angelica for having scaled such great heights at such a tender age.



The tiny tots of Pre Primary wing of Shemford Futuristic School, Pinjore participated enthusiastically in the Wow Wednesday Activity with the theme Autumn Birthday Bash.  The Shemstars came dressed in different varieties of plants. The underlying idea was to acquaint the children with different types of trees, leaves and flowers commonly found in their environment. After learning their names, they were asked to collect the same and paste them in their scrap files. The excitement of the tiny tots was immense when they were asked to find their buddies who shared their birthday months. With this innovative activity a new bonding emerged amongst the children.



At Shemford Futuristic School, Pinjore, care is taken that the students are acquainted with the relevance of all important days.  Keeping this in mind a special assembly was conducted to mark the World Literacy day. Apart from speeches and poems on the importance of being a literate, a thought provoking skit was also presented by the Shemstars with the underlying thought that only literacy can break the shackles of the evils of the society.

To mark the day, the students of the Primary and Pre Primary Wing visited the school library and were exposed to the fascinating world of books. They spent quality time there browsing through the story books followed by a story session with the teachers.

Principal, Ms. Amita Dhaka, ensured that the message should be conveyed to the entire support staff as well so that they help their own children to complete the primary education. She also encouraged the Shemstars to take up the responsibility of teaching at least one person in their surrounding because ‘Padhega India, Thabhi Toh Badhega India’.



At Shemford, Pinjore, Teacher’s Day is one of the most celebrated events. Not only are the students keen to exhibit their love and respect for their teachers through various cultural items, but also, they proudly take up the responsibility of their mentors for a day, rendering satisfaction of being well groomed citizens ready to move out of school. All the students, from Pre Primary to the Senior Wing had their own way to express their gratitude to their friends philosophers and guides.  All the students took their teachers by surprise by preparing beautiful cards for them, expressing their feelings in their own little way.

A beautiful program was organised by the students of the senior wing wherein titles were given to all the teachers. Those titles were a reminiscent of the beautiful relationship they had with them right from the formative years. Of course the teachers were deeply touched with the love and affection of the children. Many fun games were also organised by the students for the teachers which filled the school hall with mirth and laughter and everlasting memories.

Beautiful songs and dances were also presented by the students. The well organised program was a confirmation that the Shemstars are all set to shine bright in the society.

The teaching staff, led by Principal, Ms. Amita Dhaka, thanked the children for making the day a memorable one.

Ms. Amita Dhaka also had a beautiful surprise for all. The function was graced by Mrs. India 2018, Ms. Jyoti Dogra. The 61 year old beauty pageant who had served as a teacher before her retirement, has set an example to all old and young that a true teacher inspires and aspires to learn and achieve throughout her life. Age is no bar to learn and achieve one’s goals in life.

The teachers day celebration at Shemford, Pinjore was also graced by Ms. Geeta Dhull, a teacher by profession for more than two decades, former Mrs. Punjab Runners up, and Mrs. India Runners up 2018.

Another feather was added to the cap to the glorious day for, Mr Yograj Kaith, teacher of English and Examination Coordinator of the school, won the prestigious ‘Nation Builder Award’ organised by the Rotary Club Pinjore Hills. Ms Amita Dhaka congratulated him for his continuous and unstinted efforts in the field of education.




Shemford Futuristic School, Pinjore organized Janmashtami function to mark the birthday of Lord Krishna on August 31, 2018 for the Pre –Primary wing. The students came dressed up as Radha and Krishna. The celebration comprised of performances by the tiny tots including dances, enactments, bhajan recitation etc. Story on the life of Lord Krishna and his teachings to mankind marked the informative phase of the celebration. The most pleasing moments were the enactment by the students showing the various incidents related to the birth of Lord Krishna. They also went for a visit to a nearby temple where they prayed to the Almighty and sweets were distributed among the students. Principal Mrs. Amita Dhaka told the students that –Always trust in God and do the right and you will be a successful person.



Students celebrated Raksha Bandhan with great zeal and enthusiasm at Shemford Furturistic School, Pinjore.  A special assembly was conducted wherein the serenity and importance of Raksha Bandhan was shared with all. Principal, Ms. Amita Dhaka added that Rakhi is a sacred thread of affectionate bond woven with love and care. Several activities were organized for the students to exhibit their love and affection for their siblings. The students of the Pre-Primary and Primary wing were involved in decorating and colouring rakhi, thali decoration and making of rakhis for their brothers. It was indeed a treat to the eyes to see little hands at work for their dear brothers. With the preparation of thali for the festival, the roots of the rich heritage and culture of our country are strengthened in the youth of today. The students of the middle school and senior school participated in various activities like Hindi declamation, English declamation and class discussion on the importance of siblings in our lives. The keen approach to step forward and participate in such activities reflects the pious souls of our children.



A two day eye camp was organised at Shemford Futuristic School, Pinjore. It has always been the priority of the school to take such initiatives in the interest of the students. The eyesight of all the students and the staff associated with the school was examined and corrective measures were recommended as per the requirements. Experts from ‘Optical Nest’ in collaboration with ‘Simply Health Plus’ completed the checkup skilfully.